
Saturday, July 10, 2010

the cleanup:

My morning consisted of cleaning up the beach with some of the spouses as well as some people from other organizations around campus.  For only picking up trash for an hour, it was surprising how many garbage bags we filled.  I'm thinking we should do this once a month to keep Dominica sparkling clean.

Attention Ross Community: Please stop using styrofoam.  You are given super durable tupperware in your welcoming bags for a reason.  I was getting really tired of picking up your Addison's Juice cups, loads of containers from your 3 meals at the shacks, and endless bags of KFC including those lovely plastic sporks.  

RSO will be having our chili lunch at the end of the month.  If you bring your own tupperware then you get an extra dessert!  If home baked awesome-ness won't entice you to use them then I don't know what will.   


  1. It felt so good to help make Dominica a little cleaner! We should definitely keep this up!

  2. if only people back home took as much care we'd probably have a much cleaner earth!
