Mini 2 is quickly approaching which means that Brandon has been up late studying every night. The difference between this semester and the others is that there is much more memorizing, more class hours, and much less sleep. Pharmacology and Microbiology are the tough ones this semester and I've been trying to help him as much as I can with memorizing the hundreds of drugs he needs to know. After he studies by himself every night we've been going over flashcards for a little bit right before we go to sleep and I think it's really been helping. Brandon had a standardized patient interview yesterday and he came home all giddy because of how well he did :) Only 1 1/2 months till the end of the semester and for family visitors; it really cannot come soon enough!
I had my own tests this morning, just some routine blood work. The doctor sent me to a "lab" here in Portsmouth and he said they can just send the results to him. Nothing surprises me in Dominica anymore which is why I didn't even think twice when I found out this "lab" was actually in an apartment building. It was pretty legit though, I just followed the "office" signs and after falling and slipping down the stairs on my butt I finally found where I was supposed to go. The nurse was really nice and I was only there for 15 minutes or so but then walked home looking like an old lady because of how bruised my left butt cheek is :(
I can't help but try and guess what the baby is. We're both thinking boy, what are your guesses?
I'm telling you it's definitely a boy!!! AH I can't wait :)